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Transformer Oil GK is a high quality special insulating oil. It is produced from mineral oil with low sulfur content by using hydrocracking process, and contains 0.25-0.40% by weight. Oxidation inhibitor. The product is characterized by a long service life, and is non-aggressive with respect to most insulating materials. Rosneft GK fully complies with the requirements of the international standard IEC 60296: 12.


Transformer Oil GK is intended to fill the power and instrument transformers and other high-voltage equipment. Recommended for use in electrical machinery of higher voltage classes.

Approvals and specifications

Approvals: IEC 60296:12, ART-TRA S.r.L Recommended for use by PJSC ROSSETI, Ural transformer plant LLP. Meets Requirements: IEC 60296:12; ART-TRA S.r.L; Recommended for use by PJSC ROSSETI


• Unique oxidative stability, confirmed by industry operating experience, ensures oil life up to 30 years;
• The oil is gas-emitting, which allows to detect the hydrogen generated at an early stage in the development of transformer errors;
• Accurate quality control of production provides the highest level of performance properties.


216.5 L, bulk (auto and railroad)

Typical physical and chemical properties

Name of characteristic Test method Oil GK
Кинематическая вязкость при 50 °С, мм2/с при минус 30 °С, мм2/s GOST 33 / ASTM D445 7 771
Acid number, mg KOH/g GOST 11362 / ASTM D4739 0,003
Тангенс угла диэлектрических потерь при 90 °С, % GOST 6581 0,1
Напряжение пробоя после подготовки пробы, кВ GOST 6581 70
Стабильность против окисления — массовая доля осадка, % GOST 981 0,007
Flash point, COC °C GOST 4333 / ASTM D92 141
Pour Point, °C GOST 20287 / ASTM D97 -48